Pet Portraits

In this day and age of digital images we don’t often look at our photos on a regular basis, and they are very easy to lose when computers and phone break or need to be replaced.

I offer a pet portrait service so you have a physical image to hang and the wall and look at all the time. I work from photographs that you provide, so its important that you ar happy with the image that you upload. There are some tips on taking photos below.


Mount 8 x 8 inch (Picture 6 x 6) from £29
Mount 10 x 10 inch (Picture 8 x 8) from £50
Mount 11 x 14 inch ( Picture A4) from £70
Mount 12 x 12 inch (Picture 10 x 10) from £80
Mount 16 x 16 inch (Picture 12 x 12) from £100

If you are interested in commissioning a portrait then please fill in the form below and I will contact you to discuss it further

First Name
Last Name
Type of Portrait

Mount Size

Name of Pet and Breed
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Taking Photos of your Pet

You will probably have taken a lot of photos of your pet in all kinds of situations, poses and light but they may not be suitable for a portrait. The best photos are the ones where your pet looks most relaxed and captures the essence of your pet. Try to take a photo with them looking toward your left to right – not directly at you. Perhaps getting someone else to attract them may help with this. Make sure the light source is over your shoulder but not directly behind or above you. If you’re taking photos outside, avoid direct sunlight and look for a shadow.

Good resolution and lighting is also quite important. Please make sure the photos are not overexposed (lacking detail in brigthtest areas) or blurry. Take as many pictures as you can, especially of eyes, ears and nose. I will then be able to use them as a reference when I am drawing those particular parts of the face.

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